Signs, Signs everywhere a sign 
Blocking out the scenery breaking my mind
Do this, don't do that, can't you read the sign
(5 Man Electric Band)
It's almost been 5 years I've been
living on my own. I walk most places in town
and just the last few weeks I've noticed so many signs...they are

everywhere...telling me where I am, what I must do and can't do...
and even one telling me what to watch out for. With all this
available information why am I still feeling so very lost? Maybe I'm looking in all the wrong places for direction or maybe I'm not looking at all. For most of my life I have been told when and where to live my life and now that I am on my own and my youngest is soon heading to college....I am facing the reality of what it is to be completely on my own. With all the signs giving me direction, I'm not feeling guided at all. Then it hit me the other I sat with my 92 year old aunt that had just lost her husband of 72 years. Several people were in her hospital room and all talking about the same time. Making plans and paying more attention to details of the funeral, I look across the room at my Aunt Vi and through her tears, she winks at me. I smiled a bit and winked back....and then it happened, she smiled back. Direction....she gave me direction. She had just lost her husband and I live unmarried and we connected through the heart....she understood my pain and I understood hers....her wink gave me direction....don't give up just because we are alone, we are connected at the heart, we have each other.
Blocking out the scenery breaking my mind
Do this, don't do that, can't you read the sign
(5 Man Electric Band)
It's almost been 5 years I've been
living on my own. I walk most places in town
and just the last few weeks I've noticed so many signs...they are
everywhere...telling me where I am, what I must do and can't do...
and even one telling me what to watch out for. With all this