I headed back home for a couple of days to rest and regroup. I met up with some past High School friends and spent time with my beautiful granddaughters. But the time the stands out the most is the day I spent with my
BFF (Best Friend Forever). We had no definite plans. I picked her up at 10:30ish and the day began. We headed out of town to play...... with cameras in hand. We ended up just 25 miles north in a larger town so we could relax and not worry if anyone knew us. We spent the next 6 hours completing a photo scavenger hunt for an online class that neither of us signed up for, but it got us some amazing pictures of people we didn't even know. It's amazing how people are so willing to allow their picture to be taken. The photo above is of my best friend posing when we needed a shot of a person in an eye patch....yep, in Wal-mart at the medical section! She is so brave!! All I can say is, Captain Morgan be on the lookout for your replacement!!