Thursday, August 20, 2009

School Days

I never recall starting school as a child before the first of September after the Labor Day Holiday. My children have been involved in school since the mid-eighties and summer break has slowly been shortened over the years. My youngest son just started his senior year on August 13th this year. I ponder how soon it will be that children will be attending all year long and not able to enjoy traditional summer break. But my biggest question is this, how does nature know when school starts? I mean in my head summer should and will always be until the end of August, but today on my walk, I looked up and saw a tree with it's leaves already turned to a bright fallish yellow. How can this be? How does nature know the children started school last week and it's time now for fall? I guess I am just hoping the other trees don't catch on and they stay green for a very long time. Long live summer!

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