Monday, September 7, 2009

Empty Inside

This picture isn't too clear, but can you see the green on the outer edges of this evergreen tree? The inner parts of the tree are bare and lacking any growth at all. For a big part of my life this tree reflects what my life has been like. My outside areas that most people see has been covered with green growth of life and all appeared as OK. My inside was empty and painful with doubts and fears that overtook my life. It wasn't always like that, but for a large part it has been. Fear of failure and pains of being insecure and just never sure what was expected of me. But in recent years, I am slowly taking steps to help the growth inside of myself to begin. I attended classes and earned my associates degree in business. I have taken time to talk with a trained counselor who has helped me see myself in a healthier light. I took all my beliefs and teachings about God and slowly have sorted through most of them. I have had to sort through each one to realize which was truth from God and what was man made and not needed in my thinking. It's been a long and painful search, but in the end it will be worth it all. My goal is to be as healthy on the inside as I appear to be on the outside.

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