I read an article this morning of how when we are called to Heaven we may possibly be allowed to scoff at just how silly the Evil One tried to ruin God's plans in Isaiah 14:16-17 "Those who see you stare at you [Satan], they ponder your fate: "Is this the man who shook the earth and made kingdoms tremble, the man who made the world a desert, who overthrew its cities and would not let his captives go home?"
This opened my thoughts to see just how messed up that some of the events in my life are nothing more than Satan "blowing smoke" to set fear in my heart. To get me to believe I am ruined as a person, or my life is of no value. I wrote this today to my son who is in prison: "this puts a different perspective on what power Satan has on us...to think that we will someday look at him and say "I was scared of that?" But the power he seems to have right now...I can so easily get afraid of what this evil one could do that it paralyzes me to the point of not being of any use for God, but when I think about how he is really just making illusions appear in situations, it makes it seem easier to get through life. But the chaos he can send our way is pretty painful at times...just like your time in prison, what a whirlwind of a mess for you now, but in the realm of all eternity you may even laugh in Satan's face when you step through Heaven's gates to see that it was all worth it and how God used you there to touch others and helping them see their eternal needs. I know you are in a hard place, but God can use you in this, just like he can use me going through my life feeling alone....it has made me more aware of how deeply others are hurting. So please keep on trusting my son and don't give up hope. Please stay in touch with God for he understands our hearts, that's what it's all about. I am trying also, even though I know my actions and thoughts aren't always pleasing to him, He still loves me and longs for me to stay in contact with Him...He wants to be our best friend. Please don't forget you are there in prison on a mission, to step in where God may not be able to go and be light to those that feel hopeless in life. That's all we are asked of, to be usable...nothing more. I love you so much and so very proud to call you my son." Mom :)
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