I'm 51 years old and have seen a lot in life. I've had hard times and lots of good. This past couple of weeks has had it's share of stress and worry. My mother has always taught me I have a guardian angel always watching over me. I became a Christian as a small child and can say I know I have God's watchful eye over me and a peace in my heart. But this week, I wavered a bit on my belief of God's ability to make something good out of something so wrong or bad. I received the phone call after having my mammogram. They informed me I needed to come back and have more testing done. A lump had been found. I cried the first 24 hours off and on, but the few days that followed my mind seemed to be off somewhere besides the present. I was given the awareness of what really mattered in my life and all my children were so supportive and actually prayed for my strength to get through whatever I had to face. I stopped longer to listen to people's answers when I asked "how are you?" I looked up longer to see the clouds, the newly arrival of the tree buds and songbirds. I walked with an awareness that people mattered more than things. My youngest son drove me to the clinic early Thursday morning and we chatted and listened to music of my teen years. I situated myself for the ultra sound and had one of the nicest technical person talk me through the procedure. What seemed like all day but were mere minutes, the technician returned with the news that I had nothing to worry about it was only a fluid cyst. I am to return next year for a follow up. My stress melted away on the ride home with my son. I've been given more time to enjoy life to it's fullest and I plan on keeping my head held high and enjoy the wonderful gifts that have been given to me, that being my children and my grandchildren. God, I want to just tell you thanks for allowing me not to have to face the battle and fear of cancer.
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