Saturday, November 14, 2009

My Real Live Angel

For most of my adult life I have collected angels....all kinds...figurines, candles, and jewelry....but now at my age I have my very first REAL live angel...Madison. I know it's a pixie outfit that I sent for Halloween, but when I look into those eyes and see that priceless, warm smile....I know it's an angel from heaven. Madison I'm so proud of you and am honored that you are my first Grandchild. It makes my heart happy that you were given to me and with each phone call when I hear that cute little voice say "hello mamaw" .... my heart sings! I love you baby girl :)

I Love My Son

Every two weeks I am privilege to drive south for and hour and a half to visit my son, Stewart. It's time well spent with my mother and on occasion with my youngest son Gabriel. We venture down with anticipation to see my son. After being searched and patted down we are allowed to enter into the world of the incarcerated. It's not a pleasant progress watching my nearly 80 year old mother being searched as though she is the criminal, but it is all worth it when I look through the thick metal sliding door and see my son Stewart seated at a table, smiling from ear to ear. We approach his area and he is allowed to stand and hug us...then he is seated and can not stand until the visit is completed. We sit and chat, laugh and cry together. We even share a mint chocolate cappuccino together and maybe a bag of chips. The two hours we spend together seems to fly by faster than any other two hours of the week. When it's time to say goodbye the tears and hugs seem to pierce my heart even deeper because I know I won't have contact with him for another 2 weeks, only through written letters. Stewart is growing stronger and becoming a man, but as a mother I so wish he could have grown up in different circumstances....but I can't change any of that and will never give up loving my son. Stewart I am as proud as can be of you for taking responsibility for your actions and doing this without anger and hate. You are such a blessing to me and for that, I will ever be thankful for being allowed to be your mother. God...thanks for choosing me to love and care for Stewart as his mother...I am honored you choose me. And Stewart....thanks for paying for the picture we took will forever stay on my night stand. Love you always and forever.... Mom :)