Friday, January 15, 2010

Life is Good in Pink

With so much going on in the world, I need a place to sit back and gather my thoughts. It takes time to comprehend all that is happening in the world and in my life. When given the time, I find that place with my pink laptop and a cup of strong coffee in my pink mug. I can sit for hours writing in my journal and reading all about people and far away places. Friends come in and out of my life by social networking . I am connecting with classmates I have not seen in almost 30 years. I send encouragement to my son so far from home. I connect with my daughter and granddaughter that live on the other side of the world. My little living room becomes a crossroad of so many lives. Many tears are cried over my keyboard but also many hours of laughter and contentment as I interact with people. When life becomes crazy and seems hopeless, I find comfort with friends and family with my pink laptop and coffee in a beautiful pink mug.